Diagnostic Equipment

MyLab Seven / MyLab Class C / Mylab Alpha / MyLab Twice
MyLab™Alpha, with eHD Technology focused on real diagnostic value has been designed to offer Top Performance Ultrasound and high dynamism in very reduced size and weight. A wide range of accessories, makes MyLab™Alpha as comfortable as a mainframe system, when it is used in a stationary mode. It also provides a range of efficient “ready-to-go” solutions, when mobility and time are strictly important. MyLab™Alpha is the answer to current diagnostic and point-of-care approaches that require state-of-the-art technologies to be involved in today’s ultrasound systems.

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X-Ray Equipment

Versatile mobile fluoroscopy unit, easy to handle, position and use specially studied for use in orthopedic, trau­matology, abdominal, urology operating theatres.

Flexible, digital imaging solutions
As a surgeon, you need skill and dedication to perform an increasing number of challenging interventions. Excellent images are also crucial, whether you are performing open surgery or advanced minimally invasive procedures.

We help you take the next step toward excellence, allowing you to carry out complex procedures with new confidence and control. Our mobile C-arm gives you and your staff the excellent image quality, ease of use, and dose management features you need.

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Professional defibrillators for emergency medicine, always, everywhere
When every mi­nu­te counts, PRI­ME­DIC™ de­fi­bril­la­tors can help hearts stop mis­sing ano­ther beat. Ever­yw­he­re. What mat­ters is that they can be used quick­ly. Every time.

Ten hours of use without electric power supply
A high de­gree of in­no­va­ti­on en­su­res that the EVO De­fi­Mo­ni­tor is al­ways fully func­tio­nal, even in ad­ver­se wea­ther con­di­ti­ons. High-ca­pa­ci­ty bat­te­ries pro­vi­de ten hours of ope­ra­tio­nal rea­di­ness wi­thout a mains con­nec­tion.

Modular product design to meet individual requirements
Ad­ap­ted to the needs of mo­dern emer­gen­cy me­di­ci­ne, the De­fi­Mo­ni­tor EVO pro­vi­des com­ple­te pre­cli­ni­cal and cli­ni­cal pa­ti­ent mo­ni­to­ring. The mo­du­lar pro­duct de­sign al­lows for va­rious op­ti­ons ran­ging from basic con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on to fully equip­ped in order to meet in­di­vi­du­al re­qui­re­ments.

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Operation Theatre

Increased efficiency in all surgical procedures
Promerix is heavy-duty, electro-hydraulic operating table for all kind of surgeries, meeting the strictest demands of modern operating theatres. With its modular construction, stable floor lock and comprehensive range of accessories, Promerix can be set up to the best possible configuration for each surgical procedure.

Promerix provides open access to the operated area and excellent working ergonomics for the surgical team without compromising on patient safety. Promerix is both easy to use and to maintain, it fulfills X-ray and C-arm requirements through its sliding possibility and reverse functions, as well as its wide table section material.

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